Water Well Project

Zakat Fund

Quenching Thirst, Transforming Lives

Access to clean water is a basic human right, and at Muslim Helping Hand, we are committed to ensuring this right through our “Water Well Project.” This initiative aims to bring sustainable sources of clean water to communities facing water scarcity, transforming lives and fostering health and prosperity.


Our mission is to provide communities in need with access to clean and safe water by establishing wells. Through the Water Well Project, we seek to improve overall health, reduce the burden on women and children, and contribute to the overall well-being of communities.


  1. Well Construction: Build wells in areas where access to clean water is limited, ensuring the availability of a reliable water source for daily needs.

  2. Hygiene Education: Conduct hygiene and sanitation education programs to empower communities in maintaining clean and healthy living environments.

  3. Community Sustainability: Foster community involvement in the maintenance and sustainability of the wells, creating a sense of ownership and responsibility.

How You Can Contribute:

  • Sponsor a Water Well: Make a lasting impact by sponsoring the construction of a water well, providing a community with a sustainable source of clean water.

  • Donate to Water Projects: Contribute to our ongoing water projects, enabling us to reach more communities in need with the gift of clean water.

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Donation Total: £100.00

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