A few words about our campaign

Qurbani Project


Sharing Blessings, Sustaining Communities

In the spirit of sacrifice and generosity, Muslim Helping Hand proudly presents the “Qurbani Project.” This initiative is a reflection of our commitment to providing sustenance, joy, and hope to those in need during the sacred occasion of Qurbani.


Our mission is to carry out the ritual of Qurbani with the utmost compassion and efficiency, ensuring that the sacrificial meat reaches those who are most vulnerable and in need of nourishment.


  1. Ethical Qurbani: Conduct Qurbani in accordance with Islamic principles, adhering to ethical and humane standards for the sacrifice of animals.

  2. Distribution to the Needy: Ensure the fair and timely distribution of Qurbani meat to individuals and communities facing food insecurity.

  3. Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community and solidarity by involving local communities in the Qurbani process, creating an atmosphere of sharing and care.

How You Can Contribute:

  • Donate for Qurbani: Contribute to our Qurbani fund, allowing us to perform the sacrifice and distribute the meat to those who need it the most.

  • Sponsor Qurbani for Others: Extend your generosity by sponsoring Qurbani on behalf of others, spreading the blessings of this sacred tradition.

  • Volunteer for Distribution: Join our distribution teams to actively participate in ensuring that the Qurbani meat reaches the intended beneficiaries.

Impact Stories:

Discover the stories of families and individuals whose celebrations were brightened by the Qurbani Project. Experience the joy and gratitude that your contribution brings to those who receive this gift of sustenance.


Our mission is to empower individuals, especially women, with valuable sewing skills that open doors to economic independence. Through training programs and community support, we strive to foster self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship.


  1. Skill Development: Offer comprehensive sewing training programs to individuals, equipping them with the skills needed for garment making and tailoring.

  2. Entrepreneurship Support: Provide guidance and resources for participants to start their own sewing businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and sustainable income generation.

  3. Community Building: Establish sewing cooperatives to create a supportive community where individuals can share skills, resources, and experiences.

How You Can Contribute:

  • Sponsor Sewing Machines: Help us provide sewing machines to individuals who have completed training, enabling them to start their own sewing businesses.

  • Donate Fabric and Supplies: Contribute to our sewing project by donating fabric, sewing supplies, and other materials essential for training and production.

  • Support Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Invest in the sewing businesses of program graduates by purchasing their products, helping them establish a customer base and achieve financial stability.

Success Stories:

Explore success stories of individuals who, through our Sewing Project, have transformed their lives and communities. Your support can be the thread that weaves a tapestry of economic empowerment and resilience.

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