Gaza Crisis

Muslim Helping Hand

Gaza Crisis Relief: Supporting Those Affected by Conflict

Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s cause are like grains of corn which produce seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains. (2:261)

For 15 terrifying days in May, Palestinians in Gaza faced endless night time bombings. The latest escalation killed 278 people in Gaza, and injured over 9,000. Over 77,000 people had to flee their homes and around 30 clinics and hospitals were damaged, and Gaza’s only COVID-19 test centre was destroyed.

But almost four months on, Gaza is still in a state of emergency. The water networks still need repairing, thousands have had their homes and livelihoods destroyed, and, as cases of COVID-19 soar in the most densely populated place on earth, medical centres and hospitals are struggling to cope. More than 90% of all new COVID-19 cases in Palestine occur in the overcrowded Gaza Strip, where the infectious Delta variant continues to spread. Please donate generously and get allahs reward

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